Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Episode 1: Tis the Season

All I know going in is that the teams will be comprised of teams from each location.  So naturally the New York and Vegas' of the world who have multiple seasons will certainly be featured.  I'm a little worried about the strength of player because I imagine there will be no Fresh Meat people.  No evan, no kenny, no ev... etc...  Lets see if the original franchise can hold the show.

Not going to be live blogging because I'm watching on delay, but will be putting my thoughts down as I watch - a little stream of consciousness:

People I'm excited to see:
Alton, Wes, Dustin, Melinda/Danny, Preston, Nany, Devyn's new fake breasts

People I'm not excited to see
Jasmine, Chet, Sarah, Lacey - Why?!?, JD

Early power Rankings
Austin - veteran savvy + Wes
Las Vegas - Alton factor, but they are overmanned
St Thomas - strong females and sizable dudes
San Diego - all four from the 2nd season is a mistake!
Cancun - how forgettable was this season
Brooklyn - no athleticism.  sarah is their only asset.
New Orleans - just no chance, but MacKenzie looks goooood.

As I suspected there are very few good athletes in the season.   its going to be the Alton and Wes show.  CJ and Zach should be good relative newcomers.

Lep the Sack is worried about Alton's considerable weight loss.  And about Jemmye/Knight's relationship status for that matter.  **Both addressed 5 minutes later... Alton 2.0, I'm skeptical.... Jemmye/Knight have their same ole' relationship - good to see**

I suspect Challenge watchers who don't watch the real world - won't recognize half the people in this season.

I feel bad that Danny and Melinda felt all the pressure to be the manifestation of all this love and all that was Real World Austin.  How could any couple survive under that scrutiny.

Is it me or is there an inordinate amount of gay folk? Sam, Frank, Derek, Preston, JD - Dustin did gay porn

Interesting team dynamic that had been missed the last few seasons.  It avoids the natural throw in the rookies dynamic we've been burdened with for some time.

First appearance for TJ - and he throws in a wrench.  1 extra team!! Fresh Meat team??
Road Rules team? Fresh Meat it is....  Cara, Camila, Eric and Brandon  - this isn't a particularly strong squad.   Good job by the producers to not stack the deck.  middle of the pack in the power rankings.

Typical balance beam, rope climb over water challenge we've all come to know and love.  In this one you're only as strong as your weakest link.  Devyn really weighing down Brooklyn.  Her implants really weighing her down.

Nothing too much to be gained from watching this competition.  Don't know what any of the new kids are really going to do.  Just basically seeing which girls or Easy E's can't pull themselves up.  (Devyn, Marie, Lacey, Sam, E)

Speaking of which its time for Easy to hang up the ole' banana hammock.  He just isn't cut out for this.

Lep Sack wonders what the F happened to Jasmine's hair.  Is it all a weave?

Preston took a nasty fall.  Might look like Rajon Rondo, but he doesn't have his gracefulness.  Sidenote - Knight is about as soft as a Marshmellow man - he is going to be terrible.

Preston and Lacey get love for sucking.  Grow up TJ.  Lets get some real athletes on this show.

Fresh Meat obviously goes right into the Arena.
Vegas and Cancun are the two strongest - power team is Cancun.  Surprising.  I know they have two strong females and CJ - but I thought Derek would hold them down.  Guess time will tell.   Wonder if they'll have a punting competition - that would really suit CJ.

Cancun playing it smart.  Going after the most powerful team and trying to turn St Thomas onto their side in the process.  I'm impressed.  I guess eventually the rookies turn into veterans.  Could be a passing of the torch moment.

For those who didn't watch RW STT - it was one of the worst seasons of all time.  And Trey is one of the least cool douches in show history.  Its ok to be a douche, if you can back it up.  Trey can not.

Austin / Fresh meat in the arena.  Meat should be lambs to the slaughter.

WOOOOOW.  Very interesting twist.  You can choose the competition.  So it can be all mental if a team is too physically strong.  Poor decision by Cancun to choose strength, but this will be a very interesting twist.

Just dawned on me - this whole show is rookies.  This will pretty much turn the tables on the game.  There is no old school players.  When Jasmine, Easy, Jeane have amongst the most experience - its going to make for a very different game.  Lots of the new seasons represented.

Don't be fooled Cara Maria. Just because Easy is fat doesn't mean he is strong.

Can I have more info on JD walking around the house with his penis tucked between his legs.

Zack has really loosened up since his season.  i guess touring around bars for the last 3 years has made him much more sensitive to homosexuals.  Ashley has not loosened up.  Frank remains a mess.  For those who didnt watch Cancun - he pulled the same stunt night one on that season.

I enjoyed the battle royal aspect of when frank exploded.   Like why did Trishelle and Jasmine need to be held back as well.

Go f your fat girlfriend b1tch - Frank.   Great quote.

Janay and Zach happened really quickly.  I get that Janay is pretty, but there must be something there I'm missing.  I mean Zach is a freaking stud.  Gotta imagine he had his pick of the litter.  Guess only Nany is definitively prettier.....

Alton working out in front of the mirror is life changing.  I take back my questioning of alton 2.0.  At the risk of sounding racist - if Alton and Jasmine had babies, my guess is they would be able to climb a tree like a ring tailed lemur.

Wes is understandably super confident.  But lacey/melinda is pretty weak as his partner.  I really overlooked that in the earlier power rankings.  Has to slide them down.

Camila laying into Cara Maria.  Cara Maria is a lunatic.  Without Abram she is a shell of herself.

Oh yea - Trishelle is a professional poker player.   That makes sense.

Wes/Lacey vs Cara/Easy in a strength competition.  Cara is mentally checked out.   Austin has to be the big favorite here.

Wow, Fall brawl is tremendous.  Really should benefit Easy's size and Cara's strength.  This has a ton of potential now and for the rest of the season.

Cara torches Lacey in heat 1.... heat 2 is more of the same if we're being fair.  Lacey had no clue.  Not an athlete.

So now what happens if Wes wins?  Coin flip tie breaker like last season?  Didn't hear them address that.

Wow.  Easy absolutely DESTROYS wes.  That was Johnny Backpack esque.  Wow, what is wes made of.... holy hell.

What can wes do? get small? turn sideways?  eeeek.... go low says lep sack.

Wes hugs the ground.... race to the bell.... genius strategy.  Photo finish..... think easy has it.   commercial break.... wow this is a tremendous season premiere.

Would have loved a 3rd heat, but they did the right thing.  Wes eliminated week 1 is real tough for the game.   This is a challenge full of strangers.   Danny and Melinda left holding the bag for Austin.  Yikes! will be interesting to see how 2 competes against teams of 4.

Lacey is still Wes' sister.  what?  CJ turns the tables on Wes.  This could be the end of Wes' era.  The aura is gone.

Can't use strength again for 3 weeks.  Thats a major bummer.

Really strong first effort.  Lots of potential for this season.  I'm extremely proud of whoever thought of Fall Brawl.  More analysis to come in the days ahead........



  1. Mr. Sack, I realize you are quite busy these days, but I think an updated power rankings/analysis would be much appreciated as we move forward with the season. Loving the live blogs, though. Sometimes your off-the-cuff analyses are really the most important.

  2. Way late on this but just getting caught up. What happened to Zach and Ashley? When did they break up? Also, thanks for the shout out
