Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Episode 2: Oil Change

The game was turned on its head last week with Wes being eliminated.   This isn't your parent's challenge.  Definitely a changing of the guards with 4 of the newer seasons being focused on.

Will be interesting to see how the non-physical challenges play out.

Same format as last week - stream of consciousness from ye ole' sack.

First look at this season's opening sequence.  Not much doing.

We get a look at a Turkish beach club.  Who knew.  Little salsa dancing - and a some random dives.  I think    Alton is salsa-ing in the water as Sarah ogles him.

 Maybe a Turkish bath next weekend.   Considering half the show is gay - could lead to some funny business.

Wow, Melinda is dating someone new, as is Danny.  I guess everyone needs to move on, but to do it so quickly? Its only been 3 years....  I thought the crushing scrutiny of the public wouldn't have allowed for them to move on so fast.

St Thomas in a bit of a bind because Trey and Frank hate each other.  How does San Diego have the numbers?  This is lunacy - they were JUST on the Real World.   For those that don't know Trey is horrible - Frank is apparently a good judge of character.

We get our first look at the challenge.  Olive Oil wrestling.  Good start to the season, me likesy.  I guess the benefit of having everyone being under the age of 40 - is that you can have some physical challenges without the risk of heart attack.

Ashley is pretty seriously hot.

Good point by the lep sack.  Zack/Ashley picking Dustin as the opponent was curious because there are much weaker guys, such as Derek.  Are they allowed to punch?  Didn't see it coming - but I'm all for it.  Zack is a woman.... he outweighs Dustin by 100lbs.... have to be able to handle your business.

Nany v McKenzie - Mckenzie wins, so much for nany being a lion.  This is a pretty great challenge.

Knight proves again that he is a marshmallow.  Can't take care of business against JD.

The alliance realizes that they can control the game by throwing matches.   Really not in the spirit of the game.  TJ will likely not approve.

San Diego becomes the power team.   That was kind of lame.  Chet declares Frank the new power man.  The three alliance teams continue to put themselves through and puts the non-alliance teams in a really tough spot.

Dustin beats Rob to ensure that Las Vegas is in the clear too.  Amazed how effective Dustin has been.  Rob really a pathetic performance.

STT goes on a little run, but Camila proves again what a worthy competitor she is by beating the 250lb Marie.

TJ curses as a 2nd round of alliance nonsense happens.  Everyone is gunning to knock out STT - but someone is going to have to beat St Thomas in order to save themselves.

Trey vs Danny is a pretty serious competition.  They are virtually the same human being.  It goes to a tie and now Melinda vs the former lingerie football league Qb Laura.  Laura is a heavy favorite.

Stop showing Marie - she is disgusting.  Laura wins.  Austin is in tough shape and they will go into the Arena.

Fresh Meat is looking like favorites to go in against Austin.  The most experienced players are in the worst shape, it really is a bizarre dynamic.

Frank controlling the game is a joke.  Something needs to change and quick.   Trey is a moron and they're likely going in after a horribly botched meeting.   Can't say I'm angry, he is a really terrible human being.

Marie's stomach vows to get revenge if they are sent in.  Little curveball as Fresh Meat goes.  Clearly the decision was made before the meetings.

Night out on the town - must be weird because its all gay dudes and hot chicks.  Yes - I'm talking about you too Zack.  Jonna and Zack making a special connection.  The marshmallow trying to remake his connection with jemmye. Both of them have put on about 25 lbs since their season.

Knight declares he would marry her today to which jemmye physically attacks him.  Think thats a pretty good sign for their future together.  nice to have Melinda there to arbitrate.   If memory serves knight did her pretty dirty in the reunion - could go for a flashback.

Endurance is today's game.  we know its Danny/melinda - but we have to see who they're going against.  Its endurance - so it can't be Easy E.  Gotta be Camila/Brandon.  I know there is a joke there if you take the word endurance - and remember that Easy once said that he is "all taters" - you tell me.  Looks like Fresh meat might not be able to make a decision for themselves.

If the incredible hulk went to a day spa - he'd be Zack.   I think he is wearing a summer scarf.

No decision for Fresh Meat - that's embarrassing.   If Frank doesn't put Easy in - he is a joke.

Very little house time in this episode.  I love the game play, but this is a bit much.    Fresh meat chooses camila and big easy.  Hard to see Fresh Meat winning with Easy in there.

Balls out.  Solid game.  Try and keep as many balls out of your side as you can.  Easy's taller - maybe that can help.  Melinda with her height and lack of weight should really be an asset in this.

a little strategy with Easy throwing multiple balls.  Easy does appear to have an advantage with his height.  Really tough to tell, but i do reckon that easy is running out of juice.

I would have put 4-8 balls really close to the wall on my side and at the last second pushed them all over.  Probably would have won a team the game.....

Looks to me that fresh meat won - but they aren't really giving us the angles here.  Eric and Camila win - whoa that was anti-climactic.

And 3 of the people i was excited to have are gone in the first 2 episodes.  Maybe for once Melinda can be out of the spotlight.  I hope she finds peace and tranquility.

Easy 2-0 in challenges.... pretty impressive from the big man.  7 teams left.

Trey starts to break down that everyone hates him.  maybe if he wasnt such an ahole - people wouldnt want him gone.  Amazing that Laura doesnt hate him.  she must have stockholm syndrome.  Only explanation.

Not a ton of jokes in this bad boy.  Austin is unfortunately eliminated, but hopefully more fights are to come in episode 3.

Good game action - but that does not lead to a lot of analysis.   I am pleased that the producers have gotten to some more physical challenges and less puzzles.  But this was 95% game and 5% house.

Sack out.


  1. Great stuff here Sack. Can't wait for next wednesday!

  2. Easy is clearly coming in with something to prove this season. He's looking pretty svelt. I think sometimes when a fat dude loses tons of weight he finds out that he's got some strength under there because he's used to lugging his fat ass around. To be confirmed.

    Somebody's gotta give Zack an intervention on Jonna not being that hot. Is that the wrong thing to do? I know Jack Black's "I saw a knockout, I don't care what anybody else saw!" bit from Shallow Hal always rang true, but this just seems silly.

    Ashley = smokeshow.
