Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Debate Night

Whooo, Mama, this debate is awfully entertaining.   Do we have any MSNBC fans out there? If Rachel Maddow was a lesbian - she'd be Chris Hayes.  Am I right?

And the last day of the MLB regular season was a real bust. 

But one thing i know is that the challenge never disappoints.

So far so good with this season.   I think the best thing has been the challenges are back to being a little bit more creative and a little more physically demanding.  But the contestants have been disappointing as they tried to introduce too many new faces.   I'll bet as the season wears on, we'll start to fall in love with some of the new faces.

Little pool action to start us off with.  nice to see the contestants getting some down time.

Devyn is Big Easy's style.... who saw that coming??

Then we get into some alliance talk.  Am I only the only one struggling to follow who is in which alliance? All these mediocre seasons really blend together. Appears Trichelle is concerned about the alston/sarah relationship.  Frankly, I'm worried about it too.   What the F is Alston thinking? as always appears to be the case - not enough good looking girls to go around with the challenge.  Why is no one making a play for mackenzie?  My guess is that in person she is so reprehensible that it takes away the fact that she is one of two attractive girls in the house.

Hook Line and Sinker is the game.  Its as if Devyn has never seen the show before.  "Water, not good.  Heights, even worse."  EVERY challenge involves water and heights.

Brooklyn vs Fresh Meat.  Both teams appear to be doing fairly well, which makes me think this is not a difficult challenge.   And just like that Easy is down.  This guy is your all or nothing slugger.  He either strikes out missing a curveball by 3 feet, or smacks a 600 ft homer.

Fresh Meat DQs.  Brooklyn does an average job.  Next up is New Orleans vs STT.  Another weak pair of teams.  Looks like New Orleans is starting to develop a little target on their backs.  between kenzie (who is not using her feminine wiles)  and Preston they really should be targeted for an exit.  Bottom line both teams make it past where Easy fell.

San Diego completes.  Las Vegas completes as well.   Both around the same time as Brooklyn.   Fresh Meat is in the Arena.

Cancun vs Vegas for Power Team and a cliff hanger.  Considering we are 1/4 through the episode and the challenge is complete - I have to imagine we're going to get some serious hi jinks ahead.

Vegas is power team, so Brooklyn should be safe.   I'd have to imagine New Orleans has to be in the mix.

Alston wants N.O.  Trischelle wants Brooklyn.   And the Sara issue rears its ugly head.

The Trischelle / Devyn / Sara nonsense is really unappealing television.  Devyn is absolutely horrible.  For all the good things about Alston 2.0 - this would never happen to Wes.  Alton is too nice of a guy, can't let the women run the game.  Can't let it happen.

I do understand Trischelle's point to keep in the weaker team.  It makes sense and something I'd advocate.  But if keeping Sara around keeps Alston your team captain happy - you step aside.

I'm sorry is there any freaking team not in this alliance?!? San Diego / Cancun / Las Vegas / New Orleans are in the alliance? And Brooklyn kind of is too.  Its not an alliance if every team is in it.

Trischelle wins out and Brooklyn is going in.   It will be a strategy game.

Trischelle confronts Sara in the discussion that absolutely nobody was waiting for.   I know people always found Trischelle interesting in her sluttiness - but she does nothing for me.  She is unintelligent and looks like a stretched out Mrs. Piggy.

Out of no where Camila and  Brandon get into it.  Nice to see Brandon paying respects to one of the more esteemed players in this season in the confessional, but Camila flies off the handle in her usual manner.  

I've never been anything but an MTV fan boy - but don't tell me Under Employed doesn't look sensational.

More I get of Trischelle - the less I like of her.  No one throws themselves into the Arena.  Why would Sarah throw herself in because Easy E fell and she is good at puzzles?  How does that make Sara manipulative? I'm no fan of Sarah, but come on..... this is a bit much.

Easy E in a bandana looks like the bearded women at a carnival.

Fresh Meat decides not to chose.  Cara and Brandon are selected.  I don't think were was much strategy for them.  Sarah and Chet volunteer themselves.  Big time manipulation there by Sarah - she is so evil.

Sarah seems really excited by the game, which means she is going to lose.

Brandon has no strategy.  These are not the two sharpest tools in the shed.  This is not a game for the Sack - but it'll have to do.  Not much to analyze here.

I like that Brandon's strategy has morphed into "do what they doin"

After Saras shit talking - i really wish it would take Fresh Meat 12 seconds to untangle it - that would be unreal.

But there doesn't seem to be much of a chance for a Fresh Meat victory.  How is Brandon having so much trouble managing the rope while Chet is having no problems?

Believe it or not - untying a giant knot isn't very compelling to watch.

Cara and Brandon go home.   Fresh Meat down to Easy and Camila - I'm guessing 4 straight Arenas is in the cards for Fresh Meat.

Trischelle's strategy could backfire now by making enemies of Brooklyn.   A little props needs to go to Sara on this one.

Brandon vows to be back - but I think it might be time to hang up the trunks for him.

Strategy and Mental being 2 of the choices is a bit much.   Whats really the difference?  Guess we'll have to wait until next week to find out.

This Easy/Devyn dynamic is unbelievable.  I can't believe this is happening.  The attraction is one thing.... but Easy being smitten by Devyn is fascinating.  Do we think it has anything to do with her fake cans?

Needless to say that was the only saving grace of this episode.   When there are no interesting guys to focus on it really turns into the girls bitching each other out show - and who really wants to see that.

I've seen the world without Johnny, Evan, Kenny, Wes and it ain't pretty.


  1. Great job so far this year, Benny Sack. One request: We will only have one more week to really analyze the Easy/Devyn dynamic. Please make sure to blow it out da box this final week.

  2. Also, "Easy E in a bandana looks like the bearded women at a carnival" is genius.

    Lastly, I agree with your last thought. Who do you think are the "Alpha Males" this season? I'm really not sure, and it CERTAINLY isn't Zach, who would have been the most obvious choice appearance-wise.
