Thursday, March 29, 2012

Episode 10 : Viking Quest 2

Johnny and Camila may be our champions (as was accurately predicated by The Sack), but this finale was not about them.   And it wasn't about Emily and Ty either.   Our tragic hero Christopher Tamburello stole the show and his journey through an Icelandic Glacier was heart wrenching.

I have a few issues with the show that I'd like to get out of the way right here.   First off, the first part of Viking Quest was a complete waste of time.  I don't even think TJ acknowledged the time difference between the three teams going into Day 2.  Why bother with that nonsense?  I know they needed to stretch it out into two parts, but they could have at least given us an actual component of the competition in Part 1.   My other issue is with the editing of the episode.   I just think it was very misleading and at times confusing as to which team was where and how big the leads were.

But with that out of the way I have to give MTV credit for putting together an extremely rigorous Final Challenge.  I can't believe 6 people were able to complete a 12 mile hike in sub -10 degree temperatures.   It seems almost impossible that no one would have been injured in the final episode.  I also couldn't help but think about the camera men following the competitors.  I mean how many people were out there in the wilderness facing the elements.  Pretty Unbelievable.

The Challenge began with seemingly each competitor starting at the same time and racing towards their Fourth Checkpoint, A Viking Meal.   At the meal there was a Cow's head, some blood and shark bitters.  What the F are shark bitters....

This provided some of the best visuals in Challenge history as CT slammed back a horn full of cow blood.   CT/Diem ripped through it, but didn't create a ton of separation.   They were maintaining a decent lead, but the other two teams were lurking.

They then had to retrieve Snowshoes and Poles and find a way to put them on and proceed up the mountain.   This was the first sign that CT was starting to slow down.  He had a real tough time putting on the shoes and allowed the other two competitors to pass them.

After that they had to solve  a puzzle involving 40 lb wood logs.   CT and Diem got to the puzzle third, but burned right through it.   Unbelievable job by Diem.  As good as CT was at downing cow blood, Diem was at solving this puzzle.    Most importantly here though, Ty and Emily were completely unable to solve the puzzle and had to wait for the 30 minute time limit to wind down.  This essentially ended Ty and Emily's game.

But this gives us an opportunity to look at two things.  First off, I think Emily and Johnny were the two MVP's of the Final Challenge.  I couldn't believe how dominant Emily was.   I think if you took the puzzles and partners out of the equation and Emily would have finished first.  I'm not ready to put all the Ty questions aside because I think Ty and Emily were further behind than was shown and he wasn't really tested.  But again if they lost 25 minutes on the puzzle and were still that close - either they are super human or the other two teams were going backwards.   I also would have liked to have seen how Johnny and Camila solved the puzzle.  Wish there was an unedited version of the Challenge somewhere.  How long were they really out there?  Because if Ty and Emily lost 30 minutes on the puzzle and were as close as they made it seem - it had to have been a 4-5 hour challenge.   And they told us last week that there is only like 4 hours of sunlight.

So it was now a 2 horse race and CT and Diem were surging ahead.  CT had a 40 lb log strapped to his back as they approached the next checkpoint.   Each team had to use ice picks to open up a burrowed tunnel and crawl through it. "CT was an animal digging into the snow" said Johnny.

I loved watching CT peer out of the hole.  Again - CT and Diem extended their lead, but it was ever so slight.  For all of the CT commendation, Johnny and Camila just hung right behind them and stayed on their tales.

They raced ahead to the next challenge which was a Jenga-esque puzzle that Diem did a nice job of solving. Again - CT and Diem maintained a decent lead as they trekked on to the last puzzle.   There seemed to be a little mystery as to whether or not this was it.

But at this point - you could tell CT had nothing in the tank.  He was struggling.  

Johnny and Camila were stalking their prey and it was only a matter of time before they passed them.

If you noticed on their packs - it did appear that each competitor had water and/or oxygen attached to them.   CT kept taking hits of it and it would certainly make sense that they'd have to have oxygen racing up a glacier that high.   It also did appear that the girls and lighter people had a distinct advantage with the snow.  I don't know if that was the producers trying to make excuses for CT, but he probably has 60-70 pounds on Johnny and the girls seemed to be having a much easier time.   When was the last time we saw 3 of the 4 top competitors on one of these things be female.  Emily destroyed it and Diem and Johnny were probably the next two best.   Was CT a bit of a dog?  Did his poor cardiovascular strength do him in?  Or was there an actual disadvantage to being heavier?

I think if we are being fair it has to be a combination of the two.   CT didn't seem to keep much in the tank.    I want to make an excuse for him, but I just think he wasn't prepared.   All season I said that it didn't look like he was in the best shape of his life and i think it came through on the Final Challenge.

CT and Diem raced to the last puzzle.  Johnny and Camila seemed to be closing in.   But again Diem was able to solve the puzzle in short order and give them a chance.

They made the final two climbs very dramatic, but it was never really in doubt.  CT had 0 in the tank and it was only a matter of time before they were passed.

Johnny and Camila eventually got to the top and sounded the Viking Horn.  TJ was there to greet them and if you listened carefully you could hear a helicopter above.

Congrats to Bananas and Camila.  But a sad day for CT, who becomes a modern day Charles Barkley looking for a ring.

Can't say enough about Emily who looks like one of the strongest female competitors of all time.   I particularly enjoyed when she asked Ty if he wanted her to carry the 40 lb log.

Not the best season of all time, but an enjoyable one and a satisfying if not gut wrenching conclusion.

More analysis to come tomorrow.... but feel free to chime in.  Thanks for reading all season.


  1. I'm so upset for CT... I wanted him to get this one. Worth noting Camila's comments that CT smokes a cigarette "every 5 minutes." Let this be a lesson to the kids out there - you can be a beast and drink animal blood like it's your job, but you can't keep up that smoking habit and win a 12-mile glacier challenge. Stop it.

  2. I think blaming CT's fitness is a canard. This really came down to old fashioned failure to pace yourself. He put all the burdens on himself - i.e. eating all of the food except the shark bitters (which he hilariously called cheese) and digging through the tunnel at an absurd pace. Anyone who has walked in the snow before knows - you need to take light steps. The solution for CT was to take shorter steps at a quicker pace, but he is a bull who only moves in one direction. Bananas' advice to Camilla to take light steps was key. CT's failure wasn't fitness, it was that he only had one gear.
