Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Look Ahead to Episode 7

Well there are going to be two themes to this episode.

1) No one wants to go home this late in the game
2) An act so racist that we can't even show it!!

Now obviously the big take away from our episode preview is that it appears Emily inflicts an act of racism on Ty so severe that the MTV producers have decided they can't show it.   I'm desperately hoping that they can't show it on the preview, but WILL be able to show it 10pm on MTV.   The network that aired two seasons of the show SKINS, which was ACTUALLY child pornography and the network that aired Adam Lambert pretending to fellate another man.   So yes, unless Emily burned a cross on Ty's bed - I'm going to want to see this thing.

The big question is whether Ty actually goes home.   He is certainly pretending to do so, but with his muse Paula begging him to stay I find it hard to believe he'll walk away from the chance at 250K.   Emily and Ty are certainly one of the two top teams to beat, so them going home would have quite an impact on the game.

A quick look at the challenge for this week it appears each group will be participating in stereotypical "marriagey" activities with hilarity to ensue.   We see each girl member of the team in a wedding dress, having the man carry her across the beach, some kind of a tire changing challenge and even more carrying.   Needless to say I'm thinking there will be a lot of carrying.

They show Mark trying to change a tire and CT carrying Diem while vowing that he has got this.

It would be natural to assume that size disparity between teammates will actually be an asset for this game.   So guys with bigger girl teammates like Emily and Robin should be at a slight disadvantage.   (this assumes that Emily will not be carrying Ty)

Imagine if Rachel and Aneesa had to complete this challenge.

I think the favorites have to be CT and Johnny.  Both are solid competitors with smaller female competitors.    It'll be interesting to see if anyone has trouble changing the tire.   I could see Ty and Emily struggling in this event.

If CT and Diem become Power Couple for the first time it will be really interesting to see who they throw in. Conventional wisdom would say Johnny, but I've noticed a little bit of a bond growing between CT and Johnny.    That would be a complete wild card in my book.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Ty and Emily go in against Paula and Dunbar with Paula and Dunbar going home.   They are the weakest team left by a wide margin.   The only thing that could disrupt this prediction is the aforementioned racist act of doom.

Should be interesting.   Who do you predict will go home?  Will you swear off the Challenge if you dont get to see what happened?

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