Thursday, March 1, 2012

Episode 6 : Lube Me Up

Oh Rachel's hair... how I will miss thee.   Strongest effort of the season thus far in my opinion in Lube Me Up and hopefully Battle of The Exes can finally start to find its groove.   I think my feelings for Paula are pretty well documented, so imagine my surprise when I found myself rooting for Paula in The Dome.  Let me explain my reasoning.

It is two fold.  First and foremost, I couldn't stand to look at Aneesa's ass and Rachel's hair any longer.   But more importantly I felt like including a girl/girl team was a mistake from minute 1.   All season we found ourselves catering to them, making less interesting challenges, less physical challenges and tip toeing around the fact.   Look I don't know if the producers were making a conscious effort to try and decrease the physical component to the show, but with Rachel and Aneesa there they became focal point of my anger about it.

Thankfully this week we did have a Challenge that had a little more jostling, but once again Rachel and Aneesa were a problem.  Luckily, they couldn't figure it out - but I really don't understand how the structure of the game was fair.  If Rachel and Aneesa were smart about it (amazingly it didn't seem Rachel wrapped her head around the dynamics of the game) they could have been teaming up on people all day long.   If Aneesa grabbed a ball, while they waited for the last person up the hill, they'd have had 2 people against 1 and could have easily taken both balls up the hill.  Luckily the sanctity of the competition never came into question, but once again the game was skewed because of Rachel and Aneesa.

But we don't have to worry about that any longer as Rachel and Aneesa were sent packing.   Johnny Bananas once again showed himself as a beast, consistently being the first up the hill in the male competition. I will echo Paula's sentiment from early in the game ... I don't know why Johnny is good at all these weird competitions, but he just seems to have a knack for them.   CT was close behind in the male category, but interestingly enough the power couple came down to the females.   Diem vs Camila and it was a really well fought match-up.  Camila emerged victorious, but that didn't stop Diem for patting herself on the back all the way to the silver medal.

Paula came in last place, falling at the hands of Emily - which put them in the Dome.   But for me the most relevant component of the Challenge was Ty dogging out once again.  First guy eliminated and he just didn't seem to be trying very hard.  Mark didn't have much juice, but pretty easily was able to wrestle the ball out of Ty's hands.  Once again - we have to question TY's ability to complete the final mission.  (I will say I'm extremely excited for Ty's calls of racism on the preview for next week).

Once again we had a repeat of the Dome with the rubber band game.  Not the most exciting competition and kudos to Paula for hanging in.   Also Dunbar came to play, but lets be fair if he loses in a one on one versus Aneesa he needs to kill himself.

Off the field of play - we had some good old fashioned fun in the Dominican Republic.   My thoughts on Diem were pretty well documented yesterday, but I was happy to hear CT echo my sentiments that she is a big time nag.  I also was maddened by Diem saying "I'm happy I broke up with you - I have no regrets" and then crying when CT answered with his family never liking her.  You can't talk shit and then cry when someone talks shit back.   You can't hit low blows and then complain when someone does it back.  Diem, stop it!

The continued romance of Ty and Paula, made me sick - but good job by  Ty really putting the pressure on Paula to put out or shut up.  I love the other housemates responses that after they hooked up "Paula's boyfriend is going to be pissed".  You think?? Really, they had made out on national tv, but he would have been fine until they went to bed together?

I also thought it was pretty telling that Emily seemed a wee bit jealous, dare I say?  There was just a tone there when talking about "them doing the things we used to do" that struck a chord.

Really enjoyed Johnny talking about walking that line between being a good, compassionate partner and not giving Camila the wrong idea as he  makes out with her.   I know Johnny is just protecting his livelihood, but last time I checked making out hasn't historically been a necessity in the partner relationship.

Lastly, really miss Abe.

Really strong effort this week, enjoyed the episode.

If you're a fan of the blog, please link to it in facebook and if you can do it early in the day. : )

Any thoughts on the episode?  Impressed that The Sack correctly predicted Rachel and Aneesa going home?  Was anyone happy that Rachel and Aneesa were in the game and are going to miss them?

Chime in!


  1. What a specatcular episode. The Diem-Camilla showdown was some of the most riveting television I've ever seen. I was legit in the fetal position on my couch for that.

    Why did Johnnie and CT seem completely immune to sliding on the way back up and everyone else was totally incapacitated? Bananas flew back up that slip and slide it was an up escalator and Ty looked like if he wasn't holding the rope for dear life he would have been blown away!

    Emily = beast. I think part of Emily's jealousy with the Ty-Paula hookup is based on the fact that Emily is starting to feel like the complete Alpha Female and doesn't like anyone on her turf. I really would have liked to see Emily v. Paula in the Dome where they fight over the metal X. Emily might kill a B before this thing is over.

    Great point about missing Abe! I think Abe-Cara Maria would have done well on this one (mostly because there was nothing scary for CM to punk out about).

    Are we giving Mark a free pass on his "I got soap in my eye" excuse? What is he a bar mitzvah DJ officiating a Coke & Pepsi game and throwing it for the birthday boy?

  2. Sorry if we already covered this on the blog somewhere (if we did, I don't remember), but do you think the producers purposefully picked a lesbian couple, but not a gay male couple, to be on the show because it would be too unfair to have two men on one team? Food for thought as we contemplate the elimination of our only same-sex couple team.
