Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Power Rankings : Final Episode Edition

We are 2 days away from the culmination of a season of challenges, domes and emotional breakdowns.   And coincidentally enough probably the two most emotionally unstable competitors (Camila and Robin) are still alive and kicking.

Mark and Johnny's teams should probably be 3 and 4 on the power rankings on the sheer fact that they still have to get past each other in a Dome.   But for the purposes of this exercise we are completely taking that out of the mix.  The goal here is to figure out which of these 4 teams have the best chance of winning the Final Challenge.

I think my personal power rankings will surprise you.   But I think its really apparent that any of the four teams can win and these were clearly the four most powerful teams throughout the season.

4) Ty and Emily - I know this is going to bother some people, but the final challenges usually involve extremely long runs.   They are very different than the rest of the game and I think the veteran competitors have figured that out.  I don't know if relative newcomers Ty and Emily really know what it takes to win one of these.   They are definitely the most physically imposing challengers, but this is going to be about running and solving puzzles. When the money is on the line - it still seems to me that Ty is the most likely of the 8 people remaining to dog out.  You are only as strong as your weakest link in these.

3) Robin and Mark - For all of Robin's shortcomings, she has shown the ability to run long distances in the past.   A lot of times these females have more lungs than the bigger stronger males.   I don't think Robin is going to be a huge liability if they get there.  She looks more fit to me, she has clearly lost weight and something tells me Robin is going to be able to run for days.  Obviously she is about as smart as a package of thumb tacks, but Mark should be able to solve the puzzles with relative ease.

2) CT and Diem - This team has really come on strong and seems to be getting along really well.  And while they are strong in most of the key areas - there are some question marks.  If the situation gets hairy are they going to be able to keep it together?   They've proven to be a fiery duo in the past and in one of these Final Challenges there is going to be some adversity.  Diem does appear to be someone who can run for a long period of time, but she is mentally weak.  CT is an awesome competitor, but he is a really big guy that doesn't appear to be in the greatest shape of his life.   And the biggest question for me - who is going to solve the puzzles for these two.  Neither are Robin-esque idiots - but neither are geniuses either.

1) Johnny and Camila - They've been really strong all season long and both are just athletic people with a knack for doing well in these things.   Camila's long distance running isn't a certainty, but there is no reason to think she isn't in the appropriate shape.   We've seen Johnny run these things in the past and he is always real strong and able to pick up the slack for his partner.   (Another reason I'm not huge on Ty and Emily - if they have to carry a 50 lb sack, Ty isn't going to be able to help out Emily the way the other guys will) And puzzle wise - outside of Mark - there is no one else I'd rather have than Johnny.  They just seem to be the most complete team to me.

Anything can happen in a final challenge.  I wish Easy E was here to have a heart-attack in the snowy mountains of wherever the heck they are going.

What do you guys think?  Who is your favorite to win the Final Challenge?

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