Thursday, February 16, 2012

2/16 Power Rankings

We are about halfway home, so this is as good a time as any to do some good old fashioned power rankings.

1) Johnny and Camila - I think right now its a two horse race.  Johnny and Camila and Ty and Emily seem to be the two favorites in the competition.   They are largely powered by the strength of their girls.  I think Johnny has proven to be an upper echelon guy, but Camila has come out of the wood-works to be a top 3 girl.   But most of all the two of them really seem to like each other.   They work well together, Camila is a fire cracker and Johnny plays the game as well as anyone else.   Plus this team has the hardware to back it up, never underestimate a champion.

2) Ty and Emily - The young up-starts.   Every girl in the game appears to be scared out of their boots of Emily.  She is a big and athletic girl, but I could use everyone to calm down for a second.   Ty and Emily have performed well in the Dome and in the Challenges.  They haven't won anything yet, but people seem to be impressed by their raw athletic ability.  The biggest issue is that neither knows how to win and play the game and Ty is an absolute dog.  But the boy CAN swim!

3) CT and Diem - Never count out CT.   The guy needs a win and Diem is not a complete 0.   Their relationship appears to be improving, which should help going forward.   I also think Diem is probably a pretty good runner, which should help in the long run.  They haven't won anything, they haven't performed terribly well, but I still wouldn't want to face this team in a final challenge.

4) Abram and Cara Maria - Another team with a girl who should be able to compete and a proven male who has won before.   Their relationship is fiery, but seems to be on the mend.   Cara Maria being so timid and so scared of heights probably hurts them a little bit.   But she proved to be a solid competitor in Rivals and Cut Throat coming in second in both competitions.  And I know I've beaten it to death, but her combine numbers in FM2 were off the charts.   I think everyone is comfortable with what Abe brings to the table.   He has come along way since he got kicked off a season for punching that annoying fat kid Donnell and has really stabilized into a fairly normal human being.

5) Dunbar and Paula - They have won one of the competitions so I have to put them ahead of the team with Robin - but I really don't want to.   Paula has won before and they do seem to be getting along famously well as of late.   Maybe the team is better than the sum of its parts - but the parts themselves should be sold for scrap metal.  ZING!

6) Mark and Robin - Mark is an elite male who still brings it in a big time way despite his advanced age.   But unfortunately Robin is an absolute loose cannon and train wreck.  I think she is without the shadow of a doubt the weakest competitor left on the show.  There is no way she has the mental capacity to survive a final challenge.  I for one hope she doesn't get there.

7) Aneesa and Rachel - Rachel is great, but if we are being fair she wouldn't stack up physically with the rest of the males.  Unfortunately,  MTV is catering to this team by completely altering the spirit of the game. Thanks MTV.   So maybe this team does have a chance.   Aneesa is a mid level girl and if they keep making the challenges all endurance and mind - we'll have to reconsider the 7th place distinction.  Unfortunately, this team may have put a target on its back this week.

Give me your thoughts?  Am I crazy?  Emily and Ty too high?  Mark and Robin too low?  Chime in below.

We'll have Male and Female power rankings coming tomorrow.  

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