Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Best of Linked In

So in my immortal quest to find the finest pictures and up to date information on the Challenge,  I’ve found myself scouring the Linked In profiles of some our Challenge heroes.  

I don’t really know why, but I find it absolutely fascinating.    We have plenty of actors and plenty of motivational speakers  - but like Janice Ian seeing a teacher out of school there is something just not right about seeing a Challenge contender selling insurance.

We also have some Challenge contestants shredding it in real life.   Mike "The Miz" Mizzanti has become famous as the former WWE Champion.   Jacinda Barrett has had a nice run, including as the love interest in the Zack Braff vehicle "The Last Kiss".   And of course Jamie Chung just had a career highlight when she played the wife in Hangover 2.  

I don’t know exactly where this journey will take us, but I wanted to take a look around and try and find some of our favorite Challenge members on Linked In.

Kenny– Naturally, Mr. Beautiful is an actor, but he also has a fledgling clothing line called “Suck Yeah”.

Brad – Insurance agent at Farmer’s Insurance.    Apparently he worked at another agency starting in 2006.  So to be clear – while he was in New Zealand in a male bikini sliding over a block of ice he was also someone’s insurance agent. 

Tori - Now Mrs. Brad she is a recruiter for Abercrombie and Fitch and appears to be with child.  That seems like something she could really excel at.  Always liked Tori, a little moody, but capable.

Evan – Currently getting his MA at Tel Aviv University.   Explains why he couldn’t participate in Battle of the Exes, but  how did he find himself at Tel Aviv University.

Wes – Investor at Beta Blox Seed Accelerator.  “Currently I am mentoring and investing in start-ups around Kansas City”.  Could you imagine being mentored by Wes on your start up!?

Shauvon – Has an extremely racy picture on her Linked IN profile and is only identified as an “Entertainment Professional”.   Are there escorts on linked in?

Landon – Equipment specialist at Henry Schein.  Apparently he is a Dentist office consultant, making Dental practice dreams a reality since 2010.   Before that he was a landscape designer.  He also spent 8 years at the University of Wisconsin.

Tyler - Personal trainer and wellness consultant for the Boston Celtics and others.  This can't be right.  It just can't.   Did they see him on the last challenge?  Wasn't everyone making fun of how fat he was and how much he ate?  What did the Celtics see when CT was complaining about lifting his Fat Ass that they were like - thats our wellness consultant. 

Paula – There is an unconfirmed Paula listed as a wine and spirits specialist.  On her facebook page she lists herself as a bartender at The Rogue Bar in Manhattan.  I love that.

Timmy – While listed as an entertainer – Timmy has also applied for a patent!  It appears to be a poll based system for finding friends.  You answer a bunch of questions and then compares your answers to others and identifies your most compatible mates! Can’t MISS!!!!!!

Syrus – Casting Director who once shared the stage with Hillary Clinton.  Wish I was at that event!

Beth – Owner and President of Planet Beth, LLC.   Unfortunately, it only has 5 fans on facebook, but it has produced a “Sexiest Women in Reality” calendar.  

Yes – An architecture and designer at David Baker and Partners.   Still looks handsome as ever to boot.

Tina – After being a student advisor with Kaplan, Tina has moved on to opening her own makeup and skincare shop where she is the head Esthetician.

Frank – Not only does Frank from RW Las Vegas look exactly like the dad from Modern Family, but he also went into real estate.   

Colie - Real World Denver's own is now a director of brand strategy at Bowlmoore Lanes in NYC.   What is the strategy there?  Bowling for people that aren't cool enough to be hipsters and the homeless!

Cohutta - Everyone's favorite country bumpkin now owns a nighclub at the University of Georgia.   Would love to get a list of investors.

Ty - After having a brief internship with the Washington Capitals, Ty is now a business manager with Frontier Wealth.  Have they seen his season of Real World, or his pathetic give up in Cutthroat!? This hire alone would give me enough reason to never invest with Frontier Wealth.

Katelynn - Sex change recipient katelynn is a system engineer for Intel.  Probably the most impressive one on the list for me.  An actual skill, who knew!

Trischelle – Marketing assistant in LA for an SEC filing newswire.   That seems like it will end well.  This is the only one I can't confirm 100%, but it looked legit to me.

Unfortunately a lot of the newer members are still trying to ride their fame and are doing the Real World bar circuit.  But hopefully in a few years we'll be able to add to this esteemed list!

Any thoughts?  Was this a fun exercise?  Who is your favorite? 


  1. Wow, that's a riveting list. Seems like a natural companion to the NYT article about all the jobs are going to China because American workers don't have any skills.

    Planet Beth LLC is a great lesson for all of us. Why would you ever own up to being unemployed when you can just form an LLC and call yourself an executive? Then go into job interviews saying you left your old one for a startup. Beth is a visionary. Also, I'm sure, a fine calendar maker.

    Seriously here - who is giving Cohutta money to start a night club or any other establishment? Does anyone come across as less reliable? (I have to take that back in light of his stepping up to do the right thing when what's-her-name thought she was preggo). But still. Why can't I start a night club if it's this easy?

    Something about Ty and Wes as PE managers makes me a little uncomfortable. Is there any doubt that Wes is going to somehow make a boatload of money and be incredibly evil? Everything he's doing know is as foreboding as Lex Luthor appearances on Smallville where he's harmlessly evil, but you know the real deal is coming.

  2. Fantastic point on Beth. Sackapotatoes LLC.... the paperwork is in.

    And i couldnt agree more on Cohutta. Nice guy, but where is the $ coming from?

  3. This was an ace of a post. Well done, and we all thank you for the research. I just have so many questions/comments, but I will limit to 4:

    1. Is Paula really a bartender in NYC? If so, we need to get a group of KIWTJ'ers together and head there one night.

    2. Shauvon - she is completely unacceptable in every sense of the word. One of the worst castings Real World and The Challenge have ever seen (though her busted implant scene was pretty epic).

    3. Frank = Dad from Modern Family. Absolutely perfect comparison. We have to assume that, because Frank came first into the public eye, the Dad from Modern Family was based on Frank and not vice versa.

    4. Lastly, do we have a name for company Trashelle works for? I want to know if I have ever used them. And if not, I would like to look into using them.

  4. Perhaps Cohutta's shark tooth necklace was a rare form of ivory that he was able to sell fo big bucks on Cajun Pawn Stars

  5. 1 - Thats what the interweb tells me
    2 - She is the WORST. The other girl from her RW season, Trisha, was actually the worst casting ever.
    3 - Agreed.
    4 - Vintage filings.

    1. No way it's Vintage and I've been using them all this time without coming across her. That's amazing.
