Friday, February 3, 2012


So as we've gone through the exercise of looking at some of the best sources of Challenge talent, some interesting trends have come up.

First off - there is definitely a little inequity between winning a title when you were a single or a 2-3 man team.   9 of our 21 seasons there were teams of more than 6 people that each got a ring.   Its unfair to compare that to doing it on your own.

Second off - I think there is some difference between when you won your title.   Back in the days when Miz and Coral were running the game it seemed that seasons were a little more spread out then they are today.   So a guy like Miz had less seasons during his run at the top.  

Lastly - when talking about The Challenge I generally disregard the first 3 seasons.   Those seasons didnt share a ton with the next 18. 

So with that said - I wanted to take a look at the most potent champions, then compare them to a group of players with multiple championships and then compare them to power players without the hardware.  

There are 8 players with more than 3 Championships.   Lets call them Team A.

Team A
Johnny Bananas
Jamie M

Amazingly enough Darrell has the most Championships ever with 4.  The rest of them come in with 3.   Veronica, not surprisingly, carries an asterisk as her 3 combined wins came with a ridiculous 20 other competitors.  

Team B is going to be compromised of players with 2 Championships.    Unfortunately, there are 9 of them and we're trying to come up with Teams of 8.   So in order to find the most prolific Champions the ones who have the least amount of teammates during their wins will go through.   Both Rachel and Tori had the same amount of teammates during their wins, so there is no way to do this scientifically.  I'll give the nod to Rachel based on pedigree.

Team B
Theo V
Rachel R
The Miz
Mark Long

Thats again a pretty strong team.  Some of the newer fans of the Challenge might not remember Theo, pictured above - but the guy was a supreme athlete.

Team C will be an interesting amalgamation of talent.  The goal here is to find the 8 best competitors not on Team A or Team B.   This is completely subjective, but bear with me.

Team C

Got pretty thin there at the end.  I like the Team C top end talent with Alton, CT, Laurel, Wes.... and I really think Timmy showed himself to be a good competitor back in the day.   But Coral, MJ and if we're being fair Brad - start to drag down that team. 

Then it really comes down to the 2 Championship teams.  I think Veronica really holds back Team A, but its close.

Which team would you want to go to war with?  Have the results proved out to reward the best competitors?  Was this a pointless and completely meaningless exercise?  (let me answer that for you - yes it was).

1 comment:

  1. I've looked over these lists for about 4 hours and I'm having a LOT of trouble picking a team.

    I'm going with Team A. Landon, Bananas, Evelyn and Kenny is an outrageously solid core. Throwing Derrick on top of that is insane. Also - this team is going to avoid some of the drama problems that Teams B and C are going to run into. Team C is going to be a disaster when Wes tries to establish himself as the leader over CT while Laurel makes a mad-animal pass at CT/Alton and loses all self esteem in the process. Similarly, I don't see Abe and Tyler working together well. The team is almost too low key and new age for me. Not to mention that Evan is now, more or less, a giant marshmallow.
