Friday, February 17, 2012

Female Power Rankings

As we mentioned yesterday today will be Female Power Rankings day.  Frankly, the Male power rankings are just to difficult to get my head around right now - so lets bang out some FPRs.  

**Please keep in mind that I'll consider Rachel a male for this purpose.  She'd be #1 if she was on this list with her track record.  She is essentially the Ice Box of the Challenge**

1) Emily - This was really difficult for me, but i think you have to put Emily #1.  She has performed really well every time she has been on the show.   I think Camila is a close second, but if we got to a matchup of pure physicality I can't see Emily losing with her size.   I don't know for sure how Emily would do on the mental portion of the game, but we also know that Camila leaves a little bit to be desired in that avenue as well.

2) Camila - The fiery Brazilian has proven time and time again that she is not someone to be underestimated.  She is plucky, smart enough and has enough physical ability to do any activity.  I think being from South America she has been less pampered in her life and kind of has an up for anything attitude.  In the words of Johnny Bananas, "I think you're pissing off the rest of the girls in the house by being so good".  High Praise.

3) Cara Maria - Major drop off here.  I think the next three are pretty interchangeable, but gun to my head I'm taking Cara Maria.  She is by far the most athletic girl on the challenge outside of Emily and in the last few challenges hasn't been as paralyzed by certain competitions.  It helps that she has someone she trusts in Abram by her side.  She can easily be picked on, but frankly there aren't that many bullys in the game this year.

4) Diem - Another toss up.  Personally I've always just appreciated Diem's athleticism.  She is also a really smart girl, who isn't going to embarrass you on a puzzle or spelling bee.   I think she doesn't have a ton of confidence, but she always tries hard and has never been a real big detriment to her team.   She also seems to get along with most people.

5) Paula - My hatred for Paula has been expressed at length.  I think she is a notch below Cara and Diem on the athleticism, but she has proven to be a fairly valuable competitor when it comes to puzzles.  She also has for better or worse made it to a ton of finals and happens to have a Championship.   And look at the impact her feminine guile's have had on Ty.

6) Aneesa - Aneesa used to be a well respected competitor, but she has really let herself go.  I also think that its ironic that her biggest strength is her physicality - but it has been neutralized in this game.  If she got in a tug of war with Cara, Diem or Paula I think she'd absolutely dominate.  But because her partner is another female she will never get a chance to go up against them in that kind of competition.   She isn't the dumbest girl in the game, but she also isn't terribly intelligent.  Considering she is 2nd to last - its a pretty decent mix of girls this time around.

7) Robin - Not intelligent, athletic or rational.  Brings virtually nothing to the table.

Any thoughts on the FPRs?  Emily over Camila an issue?  Any argument with the mid table?

Let me know.


  1. no post today...come on BSP -- you cant post unless its a work day???

  2. Good post Mr. Sack! I by and large agree with your rankings. Just a couple things I feel worth noting:

    1. Agree that Diem seems intelligent. I just wish she didn't try to spell "etiquette" "E...D..."

    2. You know I agree 100% about Paula being the worst. Just the worst. I think it is worth qualifying your statement about her making it to a ton of finals and having a championship by pointing out that Paula has NO LIFE outside the Challenge. She is on EVERY. SINGLE. CHALLENGE. At a certain point, you are bound to make a lot of finals - because you have so many opportunities. And this is apparently her career.

    Sorry for the rant, but I think it's worth noting - and I'm glad you placed her near the bottom for power rankings.
