Thursday, February 9, 2012

Episode 3: Mental Connection

Disappointing episode for me last night on the Challenge front.   You can read many of my thoughts from the Live Blog last night, but lets take a look at it with a little bit of time to let everything set in.

First and foremost, Dustin and Heather were forced to leave us after Dustin slipped on some wet stairs.  Couldn't be more of a fitting ending for DZ.   Looked like a pretty serious cut.... but it was a cut! Come on.  This is the Challenge, we can't have people being forced to leave based on a cut.  Before they left it appeared that Heather and Dustin may have rekindled the romance.  Hopefully we get some more on that on the reunion. Pretty disappointing that Dustin never snapped under the weight of the non-stop Frat Pad jokes that were definitely being made.   All in all - we could have done so much more with Dustin.

But once again, we have an episode where 2 groups of heroes are forced to leave.  And we all know that means less challenges and less episodes.  We are all losers.

The Challenge itself had so much promise, but I feel like it failed to deliver.  There was too much pop culture and challenge related trivia and not enough basic arithmetic.   The best moment was when Paula said that JFK was killed by John Wilkes Booth.  And please keep in mind Paula won the damn competition.  Paula was the smartest of the group and still thought JFK was killed by JWB.  Missed opportunities left and right.

Paula and Dunbar won, LeeRoy and Naomi lost.  Really feel like those questions were racially biased.  And I'm pretty sure Coach Pete Bell would have my back on that one.  (2 Blue Chips references....2 days.... match that internet!)

Paula and Dunbar decided to send in Ty and Emily, who all of a sudden everyone is so scared of.  I know Emily has been a decent competitor, but can we calm down before we crown 'em?  Ty and Emily easily vanquished Lee and Naomi in a competition that greatly favored the team with the stronger girl.  Lee was completely neutralized and hopefully people remember that when looking back at his historical measurements.

I think beating Wes takes Lee up a level, but getting bounced by Ty and Emily does hurt him a little bit.  Its unfair, but we do judge people in W's and L's.  His strategy seemed sound, but could he have done more?  I dont know the answer to that - but i do know he couldn't have done less.

I like Naomi a lot - but hopefully her time on The Challenge is behind us.  Its just really difficult when you are saddled with a girl that simply can't compete.

What were your thoughts on this episode?  How will history look back on Lee?  Is Emily a beast?  Will Emily join the holy triumvirate of Rachel, Ev and Laurel as the best girls in the biz?  Will you miss Heather who while mousey was probably the best looking girl in the competition?


  1. You don't need to worry about Ty. He's got the best female partner money can buy. The best female partner MONEY CAN BUY!!!!

    I wonder if it would have worked better if Lee had just had Naomi hold on to him and have him try to dig it out on behalf of both of them. When I was watching Ty within 1 foot of the goal and looking exhausted, I couldn't help thinking - same old Ty. Mark my words, he'll go home in this competition by giving up when the going gets tough. That's his style. That and being violently homophopic.

  2. Thats just too good.

    Yea - TY is a dog - I dont think there is any doubt about that. When you are worried that people think you're riding your female partner's coattails its a problem.

  3. Mrs. SSAP made a good point. The last challenge was individual-based. In other words, Heather *could* have competed by herself. Why would they not have allowed that??

    Losing Zito and RoyLee on the same episode is brutal. Like you, I had high hopes for both. In the end, my only hope was that Ty would just quit like last time, but unfortunately, it didn't happen.

    And you're so right about the actual challenge. Why do they NOT just do a spelling bee every season? Makes no sense.

  4. Please go back and watch when Paula gets dumped for John Wilkes Booth. After saying "help help help" they caption her as saying "I think I fell on my face" but she is actually saying complete jibberish. I rewound and watched it back about 12 times. Hilarious.
