Monday, February 6, 2012

Look ahead

We are only 3 days away from the next episode of The Challenge.   After taking a look ahead to the preview for this week's episode, there appears to be a major stunner in store.   Another team is going to be escorted out of the competition for seemingly un-Challenge related activities.   It appears to happen before the challenge, so we know that anyone featured on the commercial participating in the activity can't be the ones kicked off.   No real clues are provided although we know it can't be Paula, Diem or Caramaria.  

Here is my three best guesses as to who will be kicked off:

1) Tyrie and Jasmine - After Jasmine decked Tyrie last week they have to be the HEAVY favorites to be kicked off.  It never really made sense as to why she wasn't kicked off in the first place, so maybe they spread it over two episodes so we didn't send 3 teams home in one episode.

2) Heather and Dustin - Perhaps another "Dust-Up" with Frat Pad???  We can only hope.

3) Rachel and Aneesa - I don't know why I'm putting them 3rd.  Couldn't decide between them and Johnny/Camila.  But I could see either Aneesa or Camila getting into some kind of  fisticuffs.  Camila is clearly a loose cannon who is an emotional wreck and maybe Aneesa's precipitous drop in skill finally gets to her and she lashes out against Rachel's haircut.

Needless to say - we all lose because one less team, means one less episode or one more To Be Continued episode.   Bottom line - unhappy Sackapotatoes.

Then they reveal the challenge for the next episode.  Pictured above its a trivia game where each contestant lies on a piece of metal on a cliff.  If you miss a question you go careening off the side of the cliff.  Fun for all.  

The closest challenge we've seen to this one is from the Dual 2 - where we had a spelling bee.  Rachel won that challenge along with Evan, but Diem, Mark and Aneesa also participated.   Maybe that experience gives them an edge .... probably not.

The biggest unanswered question is if there is a team dynamic to this or if its each competitor for themselves.  It appears to be an individual competition - so lets go ahead and rank the three favorites.  

1) Rachel.   She won the spelling bee so is one of the few Challenge members to display any kind of IQ above 60.

2) Heather - Call me crazy, but Heather has demonstrated herself to be a fairly intelligent human being.  She has a pretty stable family that is able to use the internet as evidenced by them checking out Frat Pad on-line.  I'm guessing she is one of the few that can tout that.

3) Mark - I dont think he was awful in the spelling bee and he is 50 years old.  The question Paula got wrong on the preview was who killed JFK (she answered John Wilkes Booth), Mark would have a distinct advantage answering that question because he lived through it.

Who do you think wins the Challenge and who gets voted off??  Curious to hear your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHA to #3 above re Mark living through JFK's assassination. Well done! Also, Paula should arguably be kicked off the show for answering John Wilkes Booth.
