Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Look Ahead to Episode 4

Not a ton of meat on the bone for this week's trailer, but lets take a look anyway.

First and foremost, the trailer really seemed to be focused on the non-challenge aspect of the show.   Last week I complained that there really wasn't any house antics, but it looks like this week we are going to get much more.

The crux of the preview revolved around CT and Diem and a potential hook-up.   Jasmine says, "I really want to see them hook up again".   CT has never really seemed to be against it and Diem broke up with him for alleged professional reasons.   Diem says that its like old times, so it would seem that a hook up is in the cards.

Less focused on is the Abram attempted kiss of Cara Maria.   Abram is clearly melting down - so it might be in Cara Maria's best interest game-wise to get his mind back in the right place.   There is also a scene of Abram giving her a piggy-back ride while wearing a helmet.  Would appear to be somewhat Challenge related.

Finally - we see Johnny Bananas get into it with Rachel.  "You are throwing the whole challenge under the bus".  Aneesa watches with a shit eating grin on her face.  Kind of makes it seem that Rachel and Aneesa could be our power couple.

If thats the case JB could be upset that he is being considered or that Rachel/Aneesa refuse to follow what he thinks is the right strategy.   Perhaps not throwing Emily and Ty back in the Gulag.

Which gets us the most important part of this discussion - The Challenge.   Looks like we are getting each contestant suspended over water while a giant cylindrical object spins at a fevered pace as they try to hold on.   That would seem like a pretty standard Challenge activity - but we see Paula fall off and then swimming as fast as she can towards something.   And then the aforementioned CaraMaria piggy-back and there is clearly a second component to the activity.

Seems like it could be a reasonable challenge for Rachel and Aneesa to excel at.   There are only 7 teams left (how depressing is that!) so giving my list of the three favorites would be the half contestants.  We know its not Johnny and Camila that win and i don't have a ton of faith in Tyrie swimming - so lets take them out of the mix.  And you'll never see me pick Paula or Dunbar - although Dunbar's reach could give him an advantage.

1) Aneesa and Rachel
2) CT and Diem - perhaps getting funky celebrating that win.
3) Ty and Emily

And then I think Tyrie and Jasmine are going to have to find their way into the Gulag.   I'd imagine they'll be the sacrificial lambs if they don't come in last on their own.   Wouldn't shock me if they come in last and then Johnny gets his panties in a bunch because the obvious team to go into the Gulag is already there.

Any thoughts?  Did I miss anything?  Who do you want to see go?

1 comment:

  1. Good to have you back BSP!!! Ideally wearing a cowboy hat after the Austin extravaganza
