Monday, February 27, 2012

Perfect Mix

As we've seen the producers (and frankly this blog) struggle with this season is finding the right mix of Off The Field Shenanigans and On the Field Prowess.  Often times you give up some of the former at the expense of the latter when you bring in someone like Katie, who brings tons of drama and nothing athletically.

So I thought it could be an interesting exercise to try and find the right mix and suggest a potential dream cast.  In my humble opinion we have very little problems with the guys in the group.   Yes some are more entertaining than others and some are more athletic than others - but there is a hefty group of guys that are solid on the field and solid off it.   Take my man CT - who has blown up, gotten into fights, had plenty of hook-ups and still brings it in the game time after time.   The Miz was the WWE Champion of the World, the ultimate show of mixing athleticism and personality.  Now guys like Alton, Landon are bringing plenty athletically, but don't match it with personality.   And then you have guys like Easy E and Ryan who are pretty interesting characters, but don't really back it up athletically.   But below we are going to pick our 6 guys and 6 girls, for our Ultimate Mix and I'm going to go out and limb and say we'll have no problem finding 6 men.

The problem is going to be on the other side of the table.   Lets be fair - the best athletic girls are generally unattractive and annoying.   That my friends does not make for a happy sackapotatoes.

I think the real thing the producers should be striving for is not the ultimate athlete - but for a balanced competition level.   Yes Laurel is a beast (and pretty entertaining too), but Evelyn is probably the only girl that can compete with her.   Emily and Rachel might be able to, but they are no fun either.   And then throw in those good distance running, solid-ish athletes like Tori and they really don't bring much to the table.

So there are two ways you can go.   You can throw your six worst girls, who bring the most drama to the table and would probably make for something interesting.   But I think the frustration level it would bring from the guys would discount a lot of the good.   So I think what you shoot for is the Jenn's of the world.  Solid enough to compete, fun off the game, attractive and an overall good time.   I don't know if there are 6 of them out there sadly enough.   But there will be no Katie's or Robin's or Beth's in my game.   (well maybe if they were a little easier on the eyes)

The men:

** left off are the Brads, Dereks, Marks of the world.   They could easily be thrown in, but I'm going to try and get a little bit younger of a house.   Miz has to be grandfathered into this thing, no?

Put Tyler in because I think everyone likes him, he makes for some drama, he fits an MTV quota, etc.

The women:

Jenn - She is fun, spunky, good personality, solid competitor, fiesty.  She is the baseline for what I'm looking for.   Everyone needs to be on Jenn's level competition.  Can be a bit better, a bit worse.

Veronica - Absolute fire cracker.  Always seems to get into it with people and will compete some.  I don't want anyone being any worse than Veronica.

Camila - She isn't the easiest on the eyes, but she is a real good competitor - but not scary good.   She has a ton of baggage and is overall what we are looking for.

Ruthie - Friendly neighborhood alcoholic who is a pint sized beast on the competitions.   I know its been awhile since she's been on - but think a miniature female Derek.

Cara Z (RR) - Not the BEST competitor.   Probably on par with Veronica.  But after putting Veronica, Camila, Ruthie - we really needed a little something here.   She brings it.

Kina (RR) - Another girl who hasn't competed in a while, but was very solid.   Also brings a little less drama  and a little more sex appeal to even things out.

Just missed the cut - Tori and Coral.

 So thats my 12.   Where did I miss?  What didnt I bring enough of into the game?


  1. No wes? hes a freakin loose cannon -- throw him in the mix...come on...

    didnt know ruthie was still alive, but glad to hear it!


  2. I like the addition of Ruthie... very, very much.

    Frankly, I don't think we have seen all that Heather can do yet, so she might be a good addition, though I acknowledge she has not yet proven it. Her and Dustin's time got cut short.... she has the potential to be a good competitor I think, she is cute and she is fun (more sweet than fun, but the fact that she is back with Dustin hints to me that she is more "fun" than we think).

    Mallory -- she DEFINITELY has better things to do, so we have no shot, but she would be a fantastic contestant -- very attractive, very athletic, fun (TBD). No chance though.

    Good list, BSP.

  3. It's almost like now I have to root against Mallory in all other aspects of life so that she will grace us with her presence on another Challenge.
