Thursday, February 2, 2012

Episode 1 : Give Me Some Honey

Belated thoughts from Episode 1

Unfortunately, I didnt have this epiphany until episode 2 of the current season.   But here are some belated thoughts on Episode 1.

1) Wow - what happened to Vinny.   He must have put on 150 lbs since the last time we saw him.   I know people are saying he looks like Chas Bono, but to me he just looks like a lesbian.   And its amazing how differently you look at someone when they go from "Cute and Stupid" to just Stupid.   Not a good look for Vin.

2) I'm proud to say (kind of) that I've watched every season of Real World outside of the first 2.  And Real World Las Vegas 2 was a game changer.  I couldn't be happier that Dustin is involved as his gay porn star past was one of the most outrageous developments these eyes have ever seen.

3) How many times is Mark Long going to retire and unretire.   Its time buddy.   You look great, but when you take off your shirt your old guy ripped.  You dont want to be old guy ripped on this show.  Have some self respect.

4) There are only two explanations for the lack of physical fitness with this group.   Either they werent given enough advanced warning to start training and juicing, or they started testing for Roids and HGH.   Outside of Tyree and Mark - none of the guys are anywhere near their physical peak.

5) Really dont think its fair that Aneesa and Rachel are together.   Are they going to skew all of their eliminations away from physicality.   I know Rachel is a strong competitor, but she isnt going to be able to stick with some of the bigger guys in these challenges.


  1. Love the blog, Benny Sackapotatoes! I think you raised some very astute questions and considerations regarding the season. Let me throw one more at you: Do you think it's fair that some of these exes are real, bitter exes, and some are barely exes (i.e., maybe made out once and have no ill will toward each other)? I can't help but think Johnny and Camilla have an advantage in that they are friendly. On the other hand, CT and Diem have some real emotional scarring they are going to need to work past.

  2. Absolutely! Lots of inequities in the teams.... I'm going to do a ranking of teams with the biggest advantage based on relationship.

    Fine idea.

  3. Benny-the-Sack - First time, long time.

    Is it really fair to say that Mark is old guy ripped at this point? I think of that condition as being where a guy is still in good shape but his skin is starting to get flabby/weirdly pale/ strangely veiny. I'm not seeing that from Mark. The dude still looks to be in Adonis shape far as I can tell.

    Meanwhile, CT has lost 10 steps. Watching him shimmy across the balance beam to get to the honey bath was a little too reminiscent of Yogi Bear for me. As impressive as it was that he ate it and managed to recover, CT 2009 does NOT slip on that beam. This just isn't the Masshole killing machine that we all know and love.

  4. CIFW! Welcome to the Party.

    If we look back on CT - he has been one of the most physically varied competitors on the show.

    If you look back at that clip from when CT was chasing Adam around the house and eventually murdering him - he was about 275 lbs. He was just way, way bigger. And now he is probably same muscle content, but like 25 lbs lighter.

    Of course CT from last season was the APEX of anyone in Challenge history. SO I think we are looking at him through rose colored glasses.

  5. CT is one of the most interesting characters in the history of television. His varying physical condition is matched, in my view, by his psychological tempestousness. Compare the CT who popped off in Paris to the CT of last season who, particularly in late-night bespectacled mode, was tenderly seducing every woman in the house and insisting that Adam would admit that they were friends! The first CT would have to be played in a movie by Channing Tatum, and the second is practically a Kinnear character, or late-stage Rachel-infatuated Joey Tribbiani.
