Thursday, February 2, 2012

Relationship Rankings

Relationship Rankings

As we know - the quality of a relationship can have a massive effect on how a team performs.   Obviously in this season the idea is to see the dynamics of two exes.  We have a vast array of differing dynamics.   This ranking is not based on entertainment value, but how the dynamic will affect the psyche of the team.  We saw a little breakdown by Kenny and his panel on the Season Preview, but lets go in a little more detail.

1) Johnny and Camila - Clearly these two know how to work together, in addition to being fine athletes.   Camila's latin flare makes her a fiery lover, but there is really no animosity between these two.  We've also seen  a couple of instances where Camila is in absolute awe of Bananas.   This should create a very good working power dynamic amongst the couple.

2) Dustin and Heather -  The fact that this group is #2 speaks to the volatility of the existing partners.  Heather was falling in love with Mr. Zito and then learned via her mother that he starred in gay porn.   And they are #2. Despite that animosity, there does appear to be a mutual respect and they seem to be bonding over the idea that they are rookies.

3) Mark and Robin - The fact that both of them are 80 years old has allowed for the wounds to heal a little bit more than some of the other teams.  Robin is a lunatic and clearly carries some baggage from their relationship, but I still think they get along in a lot of ways.

4) Aneesa and Rachel - Is Aneesa even still a lesbian?  Do we know?  This relationship was more of a fling and happened so long ago.  But if you listen to some of Aneesa's comments - there is still some hurt behind those eyes.  And with Rachel's stunning new hair cut, you can't blame Aneesa for being jealous.

5) Abram and CaraMaria - So far so good for this duo, but its only a matter of time until Abram flips his lid.   Clearly he does not have the emotional capacity to deal with this break up.  When Cara Maria is the rock on your squad thats not a good recipe.

6) CT and Diem - I'd love to put Leroy and Naomi here, but Leroy's comments at the end of last episode prevent that.  CT and Diem are pretty good and toxic.  But I still think deep down they think they belong together.  So that should be helpful.

7) Paula and Dunbar - There is a lot of talk about how much they hate each other, but I'm yet to see it.  So for now I'll stick them at 7.  If its any consolation - i hate BOTH of you!

8) Leroy and Naomi - I think they will find their happy place if they stick around long enough.  Their relationship on RW LV was really stable.  But the way Leroy is talking - Naomi is clearly a lunatic.

9) Ty and Emily - These two legitimately seem to hate each other.   If you go back to RW DC, they were absolutely toxic - mostly for the viewer.   Very annoying couple who clearly had unrequited sexual tension.  By now you have to imagine they've done the deed and now just kind of find each other irritating.

10) Tyrie and Jasmine - I still think there is a chance they hook up again.   Jasmine is fully BAT SHIT... but if you get enough schnapps in her - I'd bet she'd try to get back with Tyrie.  But for now they are at each other's throats and needing to be separated by multiple members of the house.

What are your thoughts on the rankings?  Did I miss anything?


  1. I'm a huge Abe fan, so take this with a grain of salt - but if him and Cara Maria get back together, that team is very solid. CM is already way undervalued because Laurel psychologically destroyed both her and the viewing public.

  2. I'm assuming Mark is the guy from the original Road rules. Shit that dude must be old. And robyn is the large breasted emotional chick who acts like she's a tough chick but is really very sensitive. Anyway they must both be old after all these years. This leads me to my question:

    Where would ronnie and sammi rank on this list???

    I look forward to your response.

  3. Love Abe too. Everybody forgets from Fresh Meat, but they had a scouting combine (wish they brought it back for every season and had a draft) and Laurel was the 2nd pick behind Cara Maria. CM was an ANIMAL! She did like 20 pull ups.

    Ronnie and Sam would have to be last on the list. They just couldnt co-exist on a team. If Ronnie tried to boss her around, she'd lose it. No mental strength.

  4. It's only February, but this blog is the greatest thing that's happened to me in 2012.

    Agree with the rankings for the most part, but I think you have Roy Lee/Naomi too low. I understand you have questions, given the way the last episode ended. But Roy Lee is a winner, capable of overcoming his partners' weaknesses. Remember how far he carried freakin' Mike-Mike last season despite severe physical limitations? The guy is a beast and earns my vote for most likeable. I think he'll take the right steps to make sure the relationship doesn't fall apart.

    Looking at the list as a whole, there are four teams who have no shot of winning: Tyrie/Jasmine, Ty/Emily, Paula/Dunbar, Aneesa/Rachel. So really, it's a six-team race.

  5. Is it me, or is that a photo of Donnie from Making the Band?

  6. That is Donnie and Aubrey from Making the Band. When we're talking MTV relationships - they are the mountaintop that everyone strives to get to.

    SSAP - Welcome to the Blog! Glad you're enjoying.
    Just want to clarify that those werent pure power rankings. Those will probably come on Tuesday. But these were strictly how their relationship will fuel them during the game. Dunbar/Paula have 0 chance - I'd take Roy Lee and Naomi over them every day - twice on Sunday. But I can't shake the "I'm the most stressed guy in the house" comment from Leeroy.

  7. CT offers some of the most dynamic for entertainment and Diem has always been my hottie choice...
