Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Live Blog

We'll be Live Bloggin' Episode 3 here tonight.  Feel like if you're going to start a blog - you've got to live blog.

Check back here periodically for updates.  We aren't terribly fancy here at KIWTJ so just keep hitting that refresh button and new commentary will be added.

Feel free to play along in the comments.

67 minutes until game time.

9:58 - We are live here at the Big Sack in the City..... anxiously awaiting the beginning of the show.

10:00- Previously seen on The Challenge being reviewed.  Curious to see if they show Jasmine/Tyrie fight as a clue to who might be getting voted off.   Doesnt look like it.... interesting - could be a new incident.

10:01 - Opening montage.  This is my first time watching it.  Not MTV's finest work.  Would probably prefer another round of the Haka.

10:03 - Brooding Abram makes me sad.   I do however REALLY enjoy that a brooding Abram draws pictures of monsters hanging on poles.

10:05 - Dustin has a bad cut.  I really hope this doesnt send Dustin/Heather home.  I mean what will his bros on Frat Pad think.

10:06 - Romantic kisses from Heather - are they back together?  Is there any way this MTV double standard policy is going to let Dustin compete... this guy says no way.

10:06 - Another team goes! Wow, this is a disgrace.  MTV needs to get a substitute team in her ASAP.  We have like 4 teams left.  Slipped on stairs.... and now has to go home.   There is a frat pad joke there.... I'll try and think of it during the commercial.

10:07 - Trivia competition.  The team with the highest combined answered questions will win.  So your dumbest person will drag you down.  Paula's team is screwed.  Robin's too.

10:09 - First to be launched - Abram misses on K-Fed.   Paula and Dunbar each get their pop culture question right and we go to commercial.

10:11 - Caramaria 0/1  as well... who saw that coming. Guy Ritchie?

10:!2 - Dunbar AMAZED that Paula spelled calculator!!! Paula launched on John Wilkes Booth assassinating JFK.  4 pts for Dunbar and paula.

10:14 - Ty forgets the A in significance.  And then Emily misses an MJ question.  2 pts for them.  Tyrie says Picasso cut off his own ear.  2 for them as wll.  HE KNEW IT!!!

10:!7 - Diem spells etiquette ... ED... but was doing well before that.  Abram and Cara Maria headed to the Dome unless someone else gets a goose-egg.  Naomi needs to get sonny bono for the win and can not.  Them and Abram are tied.   Could we see a trivia off?

10:18 - Uh oh appears Aneesa has contracted consumption on her fall to the water.  She is coughing up blood.  If only she knew Billy Joel's ex wife.

10:20 - A little disappointed with the challenge.  Would have liked less pop culture and challenge related questions.  Clearly they didnt want to embarrass the contestants.  I thought that was the point.  Sidenote - where are Robin and Mark?  Have we seen them at all?

10:22 - Aneesa getting gum stitches.   You'd think those big ole' lips would have cushioned the blow.  Rachel rattling off some answers.  Pretty easy questions if we're being fair.  TJ " Rachel... she is doing it".  Has to spell auditorium for the win.... She can not! Tied with Paula and Dunbar.  Clearly spelling is not for this group.

10:24 - Here are Mark and Robin.  Robin out after 1 question.... didnt even give a guess.  I didnt know that one either in fairness.  Mark needs to start getting after it.  He can not.

10:25 - TJ says its a gnarly challenge.  G-N-A-R-L-Y.  Paula and Dunbar vs Aneesa and Rachel for power couple.  Rachel down a man without Aneesa.  Then Abram/Cara vs Leroy/Naomi for bottom.  Abe is not happy that Cara is crying.... little overdramatic by Abe.

10:26 - Dunbar does not know the capital of Alabama.  0/1.  It was Montgomery - he is FROM alabama.  Paula gets porridge.  Rachel does not get doe being a female deer and away we go!! Dunbar and Paula are the power couple.  Unreal that Paula carried her team.  Wine and Spirits specialist in da house!!

10:27 - Battle for the loser.  Race to 2 I think.  Actually leroy and naomi couldnt answer what their partner's name is.  No way they win.

10:28 - Abe and Cara both get their first.  Leroy gets thermometer! Stretched for that one.  Naomi does not know that a female fox is a vixen.  Come on that was not a fair question.....

Abe gets the Wright brothers! Wow.  And Cara guesses pasta as the main ingredient in risotto.  3 should do it.  Lee needs to get back to backers.  Nursery rhyme question for Roy Lee.... right in his wheelhouse.... commercial break.

10:29 - Fix was in here.  Vixen and Sleeping Beauty.... come on.  In the words of the immortal Neon Boudeaux, this challenge was racially biased.

10:32 - Leroy didnt get it.  They'll be heading into the Dome.  Great job by Abram.

10:33 - No one wants to see Leroy in the dome.  Heather and Dustin would've been perfect cannon fodder.  Who will be the sacrificial lamb here?  Tough call.... i'd guess Ty or Tyrie.

10:34 - Dunbar and paula appear to be looking at Ty and Emily.  I dont understand what Ty and Emily are saying as to why they shouldnt be in the Challenge.  That was legitimately jibberish.   Now they're talking to Abe/Cara, thats a mild surprise.  Abe and Cara would tear up Naomi/Lee.  Cara tries to convince Paula that you throw Emily in because she is an animal and you hope she gets eliminated.  Still thinking this has Emily/Ty written all over it.  Clearly Tyrie/Jasmine aren't being targeted because they are sitting ducks and they want to keep the weak teams in the game.

10:36 - Check out I just want my pants back - solid show.

10:38 - Diem talks about her cancer....CT brought her back from a dark place.  Abram is crying.  More monster doodles!!

10:40 - Leroy and Naomi vs...... Paula and Dunbar step up and decree that the other couple will be.....another commercial break...

10:42- Really nothing going on so far besides The Challenge, always could use more house hi-jinx.  Would actually prefer a separate show of just what is going on in the house.

10:43 - Love love love that Lee is cleaning CT up.  They've really developed a nice bond.  That was a nice interlude into yet another commercial break.  MTV really needs to learn how to space them out.  I haven't watched a TV in live time since 1987.  Now I remember why.

10:45 - Really pleased with the live blog turn out.  Couldn't believe how many fans the blog actually had.

10:47 - Emily and Ty go into the DOME.  I know everyone likes to suck Emily off.... but lets see how she really does.  Ty certainly has the physicality to compete with Leroy, just a matter of if he can hang in there mentally.   Jasmine complimenting paula.  Where does she get that authority?! Shut up Rookie.

10:48 - Lee pumping up Naomi.  Naomi is intimidated.  She wants to spit in Paula's face.  I want to as well. Lee is looking to run wild over these foooos.

10:49 - Love the Ty flashback.... very relevant.  Can't see Ty gassing out again.  Ty says he has nothing to prove.  He really, really does.  He might just be a dog with that mindset.

10:50 - I dont know what to think,. Its all about what the game is and which Ty shows up..... lets see.  Both teams enter into the Dome.  F it - enter the gulag.

10:50 - Never a good sign when Ty is trying to convince us he isnt going to just ride Emily's coattails.  He is a dog.

10:52 - Literally an unexplainable game.  We have a rubber band connecting the team mates.  First to cross the finish line wins.... huh?  Ty talking strategy.  They want to sprint... because Ty is going to burn out.

10:53- One more commercial.  Looks like this might actually be more about strategy than brute strength.  Thats the beauty of Naomi....she can fail at any number of activities.

10:55 - Lee and Naomi's plan is to have Naomi dig to the finish line and then Lee will have to work his ass off to get across the line.  Emily and Ty don't appear to have a strategy.   The more one person pushes the  tougher it is on the other.

10:56 - Naomi isnt really getting it done here.  Needs to do more.  Em/Ty are really getting into each other.  That kind of friction could be beneficial if Naomi wasnt the worst!!!

10:57 - Looks like Em and Ty are seconds away from being done.  This is a wrap says Lee.  I think he is delusional.

10:58 - Ty and Em win in a route.  Emily did a great job - but really hard to tell what a competent person would've done on the other side.

10:58 - We lose both Las Vegas teams.  Very sad day for me.  That was a great season.  TJ says goodbye, we know he loved Lee.

10:59 - Mark thinks its going to be a different game now.  Paula is scared of Emily, she thinks they are coming for vengeance.  I hope they do.

10:59 - Good call by Centrum.... something is up here between Abe and Cara.  Abe might be on the verge of a meltdown.  I'd love to analyze his doodles a bit more.

11:00 - And thats a wrap.  Look ahead to next week we'll analyze in way more detail come next week.

Not a great effort by MTV.  Disappointed that we lost 2 teams.  And sorry to see Lee go.  We'll have more to say tomorrow.  Thanks to all who followed along.


  1. Something is going on this episode between Abe and Cara Maria. I feel like Bunim & Murray are hiding something from us, like them having an awkward moment or a failed pass at rekindling by Abe. I'm baffled.

  2. God Ty is pathetic! He's really the guy who if he were in your army platoon you'd know he was going to get you killed.

  3. I'm surprised they didn't teach Naomi how to climb in sand in New York either

  4. Imagine being trapped with an ex-girlfriend in a house where you're forced to consistently rub against each other? Poor Abe. No wonder he is spending all his time body/t-shirt monster-doodling.

  5. Poor poor abe... he is troubled.

    Jury is still out on Ty I think.

  6. Sick live blog B-Sack. Wish I'd gotten more commentary on what's going through CT's mind as he starts speaking about the water-fight battle in a Russian accent.

    Big question for you - Is Naomi secretly super hot or am I hallucinating?

  7. ALSO - when Dustin was laid up with the cut on his knee and Bananas said "bro, is it like a snake bite, should I suck the poison out?!" - is there any way he WASN'T making a Frat Pad joke?

  8. 2 great points. Meant to bring up the CT Russian accent. I feel like his mind doesnt work like a normal human's.

    Johnny was definitely making a frat pad joke. They were DEFINITELY relentless.

    Naomi is sneaky cute - but i wouldn't say Super Hot. I think she has definitely improved since Vegas and benefits from the lack of other attractive options. When they showed Diem in her sports bra leaning back in the first part of the episode - i almost dropped my water. Thats how bad the girls are on this season. Major lack of sex appeal in the challenge these days.
