Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dream Team

Whether it be Vince Young or Michael Jordan - everyone loves a dream team.  With the structure of The Challenge constantly changing we'll have an opportunity to come up with a few different ones.   You'd think that the majority of these teams will come from the same player pool, but in a game like The Challenge personalities and intangibles often come into play.

Mixed Sex Tag Team

Evelyn and Landon.

I think its going to be hard to keep Evelyn off any one of these teams.   She has become a dynamic force on and off the field.   But when trying to come up with a male compatriot I thought Landon would make a really nice partner.   He has a knack for getting along with anyone, even so much as carrying his partner Carley to a win in Fresh Meat 2.   He has the physicality to keep up with Evelyn and will allow her to play her game.  But if anything ever gets in their way they'll have the physical skill to beat nearly any team.

Same Sex Tag Team:  Male

Kenny and Evan.

This is a tough one because there are so many good male competitors.   Wes, CT, Johnny were eliminated because of their inability to get along with others.   Landon and Alton were also very closely considered.  I'd just like to point that this would be Evan circa 2009, not Evan 2011.   The chemistry between the two would be really tough to beat and everyone would get along with them.    Do you think they could beat an Alton / Landon team?  I don't know, but that's a matchup any challenge fan would be happy to see.

Same Sex Tag Team: Female

Evelyn and Rachel

Once again - I think Evelyn has to be considered and it was pretty much a toss-up between Laurel, Rachel and Ev.   I gave the nod to Rachel and Evelyn because Laurel has had a few too many problems getting along with others.

Group Team (7)

Landon, Alton, CT, Laurel, Evelyn, Johnny, Dorrell

When in a group setting I think personal dynamics matter just a little bit less.   With a big team like that my number one goal is to have the most talent I can possibly have.  I chose Dorrell over some others because he is a winner.  I chose Johnny because I like his ability to scheme and get his team in a position to win.   CT is on this squad because I want everyone to fear my team - and no one is doing that better than CT.

Then I chose Alton, Landon, Ev and Laurel because I think they are the 2 best male competitors and the 2 best female competitors around.

Let the debate begin - did anyone get forgotten?  Too much love for Evelyn?  Not enough sex appeal on the roster.  Let me know what you think.


  1. A couple of thoughts here:

    1. I don't know how you keep CT off the SSTM team. After last season where CT kept Adam in the elite eschelon the whole time, single handledly knocked out Bananas and Tyler with a bull rush and only losing because Adam got sleepy running up a 10% grade? Keep in mind that CT bent over backwards to make the chemistry work with Adam, who loathed him. I think New-CT can keep it together without getting kicked off or alienating a teammate. Mr. Beautiful, on the other hand, totally phoned it in in his last 2 challenges.

    2. You correctly anticipated a major concern - zero sex appeal on the roster. The question is will this lead to domestic tranquility because there are fewer hormones flying around or will it make it a hostile prison-like environment?

    3. Agreed on Laurel. I love her to death but she is a PROBLEM.

    4. I'm subbing out Dorrel for Derek on that Group Team. That kid is just a maniacal fighter, no? I think the all-time leading challenge holder needs some love on that squad.

    5. One of my favorite aspects of this is thinking about how angry Wes would be to be left off entirely.

  2. Good points raised all around.

    Derek not being on any of the rosters is a shame. But he is small and not the most intelligent guy. Dorrell has 4 Championships. Derek has 3.

    CT did a great job last season - but is out of shape this season and clearly has had problems in the past with outbursts. Do we want CT going Vinny and getting his team DQ'd.

    No sex appeal is an issue. Maybe bring in Theresa or Cara from Road Rules South Pacific to get something going.

  3. This photo of the dream team is cracking me up. I know they were EXTREMELY cool at the time, but wow is this picture dated. Woah #13's hair.

    I have to agree with Mr. CIFW, I love Laurel and want to see her on this list, but she is a PROBLEM. However, her outburst at Paula was quite literally the best/most overdue thing I have seen on The Challenge ever. So, for that, I think she makes it on my dream team.

    Mr. S, I agree with your placement of CT on the dream group team, but not the SSMT. On the one hand, he has become a sweet, sweet man and I don't think he will have any more DQs in his career, so I wouldn't worry about that aspect. (The foregoing sentence made possible by MTV's new apparent drug testing.) However, he is not the incredible hulk he once was, and unfortunately we have to look to the past and the fact is, he has not won a Challenge yet. However, he has the heart of a champion and is probably way overdue. Personally, I hope he is victorious this season.

    I have to admit, I never would have thought of Alton as one of the top males, but that's probably my bad. I just don't remember him making much of an impression.

  4. Poor Chris Mullin getting killed by LSP. Totally unwarranted.

  5. I am stunned at the lack of respect for Alton. An Alton/Landon combo would ABSOLUTELY be favored over Evan/Kenny.

    I thi k the CT debate shows how much he has to gain/lose this season.

  6. Landon/Alton is really tough to argue with.

    Window is closing for CT.... needs that hardware.
