Monday, February 6, 2012

Heavyweight vs Middleweight

A look ahead to this week's challenge is hopefully coming later today.  For some reason only has a wack sneak preview up about Abram's inability to blend in with the house.  Hoping to catch the more detailed trailer on MTV sometime today, keep your fingers crossed.

I thought  interesting talking point for today would be the Middleweight competitors vs the Heavyweight competitors.

Think Landon vs MJ from Real World Philadelphia.   MJ was a former college football player (WR at Vandy ) and an absolute monster.  And yes he won a Challenge, but he was vastly overshadowed by his running mate.   Landon was significantly smaller and lighter, but also faster - able to climb more - and frankly seemed stronger.

Now this example is obviously just an example.   We can't look at one group of competitors and glean an absolutely certainty.

But if you look at a group of people that I would deem heavyweights and you can begin to see a trend emerge.  Tyrie, Easy E, Cyrus, Vinny - have proven themselves to be inferior competitors.   Now we can't compare high BMI guys like that to some of the more chiseled lightweight competitors.

But lets also be fair and include Evan, CT, Dunbar as big strong guys who haven't been terribly effective on the challenge.   Clearly they've been overshadowed by guys with less bulk, but more maneuverability.   Alton, Abram, Derek, Wes, Johnny and even Dorrell.

For me the ultimate case is CT.  CT is a raging monster.  He is probably the biggest guy in the Challenge, yet time after time he has been unable to reach the apex.

Is this a coincidence?  Is there an actual advantage to being more sprightly?


  1. It's a great debate question. When you look at that list of Alton, Abram, Derek, Wes, Johnny - that's just a panethon list. I think most of the challenge events these days are made to level the playing field. The first two challenges of the last two years - long jump into a waterfall and the honey-tub-balance-beam are object lessons. They don't really favor size and strength, but a weird combination of agility and willingness to put yourself out there.

  2. Yea I agree. I really think we've seen them get away from Tugs of War and that type of stuff. There are very rarely competitions where being heavier is an advantage.

    Its really about agility these days. Wish they'd have it be a little different. Would like to see some of these heavier guys get an advantage once in awhile.

    I think I might coin it the "Dunbar Rule". Ever since he came on the show they completely eliminated any size based advantage.

  3. Being a huge hulk does not necessarily a great athlete make. And I think MTV realizes this. I think the ultimate Challenge competitor needs to be not only physically strong and agile, but also moderately intelligent (a lot of strategy goes into interpersonal relationships and strategies for challenges) and willing to take risks (I would not even consider attempting some of these challenges, probably because my IQ is a little too high and I don't want to risk permanent disfigurement... and I'm a wuss). Also, as you have noted in earlier posts Benny S., it would not be fair to the Rachel/Aneesa team if there were ANY sort of tug-of-war/strength game. Not that this necessarily means there shouldn't be one, but MTV would have a hard time justifying sending the same-sex female couple home in a competition that clearly favors men (strong men, but men nonetheless).

  4. Definitely a good point for this season.
    But thats why i was anti-same sex team. Eliminates half the potential challenges. Everything really needs to be about longevity and intelligence.
